.Saturday, November 29, 2008 ' 10:09 PM Y
music is my life.
heyy! its like when i was away from this blog maybe about a week? its like ald how many posts!! lol. and tht picture which elias post, like grrr! im not there and he dares to post tht picture. *screw you*
haha. nevermind. and mel like WTH!?? waht so many brothers and sisters?! i only have sisters. dotzz. yeahh. :DD
oh the VJC Concert ahh!? hmmm, should we GO?! or should we NOT GO?! ahah. why saxes like compulsory?! and i pity adelin. is like she lost her phone?! haha. okayy.
ohh and, one more thing. its not
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday anymore!! now its on Wednesday and Saturday ONLY! like WTH! cause of LingChao! grrr. he say waht got sumthing on. lmao.Melissa!! me and adelin not always late okayy!!! grrr. Elias!! why must you write so long! the Font Size is already SMALL enough!!! haha.wah! this blog seems updated. is like haven anything ald got my name at the sec 2 part ;DDOVERTURE NUMBER 1 FOR WIND BAND! OMG! OMG! OMG!! Elias!! you should have came for todays practise(29th November 08)! like we had sectionals and our section, the clarinets and the flutes section were playing the set piece, Danse Diabolique, Challenge The Sky And Heavens Above and Blue Ridge Saga! like cool. then Mr Tan called us out. then the Woodwinds, together with the Trombones. Euphonium, Tubas and Percussion were playing Overture Number 1 For Wind Band!! like FIRST TIME! We played like damn nice!! is like Bronze almost to Silver Standard! Mr Tan said we did well!! Gratz to Everyone who did well during tht combined!! stay tht way and improve much more if possible!! Jiayou!! :DD-Khidhir-
. ' 8:38 PM Y
music is my life.
add on from previous post by mel hahaha
things to do for december sectionals :-
- develop a nicer and better sound
- keep track of timing, always have the subdivisions in your head (im dead serious)
- blend with the band, you all are doing support most of the time
- dont panic when you see running notes, take things slow, and slowly go faster
- dont go around thinking since you can run the notes fast you can slack. play the running notes slow and be amazed by how many mistakes can you make.
- ALWAYS breathe at least 2 counts earlier
- altos, play your sound just above the horns. tenors, play your sound just above the euphoniums. bari&bassoon, play your sound above the tuba. SUPPORT. not solo.
- have one eye on the score, one eye ON THE CONDUCTOR, one ear on your own sound, one ear on the whole band and relevant instruments.
- dont slow down in the later parts of danse. always look at the conductor.
- dont be fooled by the apparent easiness of overture no.1. it was one of the hardest pieces i played. not in terms of technicality. as a whole. tenors will definitely go flat when you play your B and F, be careful. altos, play out your semi quavers with confidence.
- when the piece tells you to go piano, GO SOFT. vice versa for forte. GO LOUD. when i say play loud doesnt mean play until blasting. thats using the embrochure to play loud. use air. LOADS of air. then you'll get the full saxophone sound.
- watch out for staccatos and accents and all. its important.
- Prof. Kelly Tang had set up several traps in overture 1.
change of key,
circle of fifths melody, and
contrast in dynamics are some of the ones that had been identified. there's more. dont be arrogant and be careful.
- finally, have confidence in your ability, but dont be complacent. there's a subtle difference.
this is all i can actually think of and help you guys for the coming competition. you musnt think that since there are 100+ days to syf, there's still time. think. its not everyday you have band practice. if say there's 3 practices a week. 121 days to syf to be exact. 121/7= 17 weeks. 17 x 3 = 51 practices. add in the exchanges and the rough number of practices youre probably gna miss or pon and the number whittles down. and these practices does not include full time sectionals. very soon april's gonna arrive. have the sense of urgency there. we missed a silver by a hair last time and it was heartbreaking. this is not only confined to you all but the whole band.
remember the 5 Ps:
be Present for all practices. be Punctual so that time can be efficiently managed. bring a Pencil to note down anything important. Practice makes it perfect. and have Passion in what youre doing. if you dont have the last P, then you might as well kiss the silver goodbye. only in Passion can you find enjoyment in your music.
and of course, have some fun! (:
when you finally felt that you have done as much as work as possible in one day, play something nice to relax. but that is not an excuse to slack.
saxes have an important job. they serve as a link between woodwinds and brasses.
bassoon's job is to provide the reed sound together with oboe. dont think youre insignificant. you must lie above the tuba sound so as to bring out the colour of the bassoon. that is, just play slightly louder than the tuba. listen to him, and blend with him.
jiayou! (:
Eli. As. =D
.Friday, November 28, 2008 ' 9:12 PM Y
music is my life.
HI SAX-LOVING BOOBS! 8Dok like we have to go back for *compulsory sectionals* every week i think. every
wed &
fri, same as flutes.
but i dunno what time, so you can go look at the whiteboard in the band room tmr. HEY WAIT, i rmb. its
things to do for december sectionals :-
- set alarm earlier [for regular late people aka khidhir & at times adelin]
- wake up when your alarm rings
- dont press the snooze button
- run for the bus/train if you're late so you can get to school faster = people who arrive earlier wont get bored waiting for you
- get a book in case you're bored during sectionals
omg first time blogging here. who says the sax + bassoon blog is dead. theres so many lame posts like this one floating ard!!
pps. i realise khidhir has a lot of sisters/brothers/uncles/aunties/cousins/nephews/nieces
{[(IN SHORT RELATIVES)]} running all over SG!
.Thursday, November 27, 2008 ' 6:21 PM Y
music is my life.

hello. a photo for you guys :D
& happy belated birthday gina. [25th november]
stay happy and blahhh.
.Friday, November 21, 2008 ' 5:09 PM Y
music is my life.
i am back from chalet!!
hahaah though i know the majority of sax section not in spore -.-
anyway yours truly elias arun will be performing with vjc on 12dec@vjc performance theatre. tickets is 10 bucks. its compulsory for saxophone section to go. LOL. jk.
come support me ^^
this blog is kinda dead.
.Wednesday, November 12, 2008 ' 8:52 PM Y
music is my life.
heyy people!! haha.
my cousin and my ex-classmate from Chua Chu Kang Secondary the band asked their conductor for exchange! cool ritee! is i ask my cousin do exchange with our sch and she asked!! yeahh! Palit wanted the excahnge on either December 08 or January 09?! why so late!? haha.
i love the new skin!
is just that i look weird in the picture!
change it quickkK!!
you knoe wahht!? the saxophones are the best!!!
yeahh our section goin wen long house tomorrow make STUFF(toy)! hahaha. retarded. and the SET PIECE WAS OUT!! haha. the score like easy but is the tempo like change and our band is like bloody weak in that! hahah.
oh, you knoe wht! its eithe XingZhi or Michelle will be Band Major and Drum Major! Girl power siol! hha. Jiayou to the both of you!! :DD
-Tottally random!-
okayy i don wanna crap!
-khidhir- :DDD
.Sunday, November 9, 2008 ' 12:17 PM Y
music is my life.
lolol i changed the whole skin.
should be okay bahh.
this is the result of having nothing better to do.
3 more mcq papers!!
most of the songs i added into the playlist have saxophone solos.
hahah be sure to listen to them all
not just the saxophone people, but also the other band members.
listen to how the band balances themselves, the articulation and all.
there's also the syf 2005 set&choice pieces.
colonial collage and singapore rhapsody.
those are the pieces where we got silver.
learn a few things here and there bah.
and so far ive only seen lek and khidhir blog.
melissa, gina?!!
qianyu and wenlong no need to say lah. LOL.
okok. keep this place updated!!