.Wednesday, December 31, 2008 ' 9:10 PM Y
music is my life.
last day of 2008.. few hours more to 2009.
didnt get to know you goons (LOL) til we're sec3, and we're super proud of you all, now that you all are coping quite well without us. you all improved a lot since the last time we saw you people, and at least we know that saxophone section wont fall. but there's always room for improvement! i wont go to all the technical details la. must really practice hard for syf okay? by setting an example, other sections will see how hardworking you guys are, and they'll also start to work hard, and then syf time we'll get that silver the dumb judges took away from us!
2009 also means people like mel, adelin, qianyu and gina are in upper sec now. UPPER SEC. (: palit and lingchao wont be there forever, you guys need to step up and take abit of responsibility now. make it a point to practice and teach the new sec1s diligently! adelin, cannot be playful le. although you've become less playful over the years :D
during syf, you'll find yourself having butterflies in your stomach, and you'll actually break into cold sweat. once you heard the bands before you, you'll start to wonder whether you can get that silver. the singapore conference hall is quite cold btw. but if youve really done your homework and do what mr tan or even palit ask you all to do, you'll be fine!
remember, when youre on stage,
play as if youre the best player in the world.but when youre practising,
play as if youre the worst.remember your scales and appregios and intervals and techniques.
practice them, having a solid foundation will be useful later.
practice tonal quality and pour emotion into your sound, characterizing them (this is something eugene managed to do but not me, hahaa. so thats why i wna practice, but no tenor zz)
no matter how good your techniques are, they wouldnt be good if you dont have a good tone and sound. just listen to the sax solos i posted on this blog. eugene's sound can match them, hands down. wenlong and mel, practice til you have the tone quality of eugene. gina and khidhir, dont practise til you get my tone, it sucks haha
point is, be diligent! do it for us! we are the SAX section, we ROCK YEAH
.Monday, December 29, 2008 ' 1:35 PM Y
music is my life.
hello uncle aunties & fellow old laopok people.
i'm adelin & here to conclude the blog is dead,
dead tofu.
soooo, this little post is suppose to revive it.
yayy me! a blog saver, better than that guat. (hehe)
okay, this is also suppose to be a lame post as all can see.
now, let me flood it with photos that are wayyyy~ outdated.
the story/
hello everyone we are going to wenlong house.
yayy! thats fake wenlong house, now for the real one..
tada! warm & cozy xD
& wenlong dreams that this would be his house.
what? you don't know who is wenlong?
fine, i shall show you his photo :D
"hello! i'm wenlong aka long ah! :D"
so this is the photo of the before of the muffins! :D
different flavour included.
honey with choco! choco alone! etc.
now for close up ..
yayy! lets bake!
the end of the trail muffin making :D
now this is at guat's house making the photos :D
yayyy guat! for being so pro at photoshop :D
** notice the drink on the table, its her favourite milk tea.
the ending :D:D
all this is possible with the help of the alll soooo wonderfully great & mighty ADELIN LEK :D
yayyy for me. justkiddin! its possible with everyone's help.
yayyy for us! (zzz, don't lame larh!)
& don't you notice qianyu is not here in the photos?!
well, he has been mia-ing!! badbad!!
okay fine, he made the actual muffins with long on the farewell party :D
hahhas, so here shall be a qianyu photo for you :D

am i cool or what ;D
nownow, don't the blog feels revived! :D
.Thursday, December 18, 2008 ' 10:34 AM Y
music is my life.
i keep forgetting the email to this blog. so i shall put it big big here.
SAXOANDBASSOON@GMAIL.COManyway thanks to eugene's urging i confessed my crime to twb. all he said was:
"lol okay nvm."
that was a lousy baton anyway. few hundred bucks nia. a mere fraction of twb's pocket money LOL.
.Wednesday, December 17, 2008 ' 9:31 AM Y
music is my life.
Boo! yeah Boo!! hehe. im suppose to be in sch doing sectionals. lol. later then go. im getting tired of going yio chu kang :DD
okay yah. the VJC concert like damn cool lah!! they played this song which i remembered playing it with sum of my yuhua sec friends. haha. i didnt beleive i would have missed the first part and we did! WTF!? i wanna hear March Blue Sky! its like a bloody nice marching song(at least more lively than Grand March). i spent 1 and a half hours of my life just to go there!! we took 13. like wtf! haha. but overall i like all the songs bahs. Leonard Tan is damn Cool and Funny. And he is
TALL! omg! But the seating SUCKS! is like all full already!! me, daniel and wengsun had to like sit on the STEPS! lol. and elias was like "Why you all never cheer for me!?". lol. i was thinking about saying that if Adelin and Michelle were here they would be screaming already? haha.
Last Sectionals were kinda lame but fun. The Saxes and The Flutes started talking about Taiwan, Hong Kong, China all these places. they were like talking about shopping all. LOL.
My maple chracter in Eridanus Hunter Level 40 already!! wheee! i chiong 4 Levels in one day(3hours) and chiong another 2 levels to get Level 40 the nest day(in 2 and a half hours). haha. Alll thanks to Monster Carnival!! :D those who got maple character in Eridanus. add me okayy!?
My maple Character is called "Dorfler". whoever wan do MC with me tell me. Eridanus not much ppl do mc. all do Kerning PQ. F7(-_-")
-tht was random. well cause im like bloody sian-
I still prefer David Glosz then to Leonard Tan. haha.
March Blue Sky<33
okay whatever im going school now. bye peeeps.
oh an palit ill pass u the FFP(Funiculi Funicula Rhapsody) score on Saturday. cause ill be getting the score today. ahah
.Sunday, December 14, 2008 ' 1:28 PM Y
music is my life.
this is something i learnt in vjc.
list of must learn pieces for saxophonesaltosanimation medley - soprano sax solo
i need to be in love
symphonic overture, the emo part
first love - addicted to you
jap graf XI
scootin' - the crazy part
flight of the bumblebee
tenorsbasically the same thing as altos plus:
ballad for tenor sax (this can get boring, but trains tone)
carnival of venice (transposed from euphonium)
psatha's jazz concerto (it sounds like shit, but technique-wise its damn imba)
frame for the blues
bariscootin' - i no need tell you which part
passion of the christ - if you can master just the 1st movement i call you pro
carnival of venice
third symphony? just for novelty's sake haha
basically all saxes should learn carnival of venice and flight of bumblebee.
tenor can play the alto pieces, but it just doesnt make sense for bari to play alto pieces. its too low haahah.
tenors have an advantage because if tenors play alto pieces on the original key, they have a chance to go altissimo range. makes you practice altissimo. if not just play according to alto score in the tenor. different key, but still will do.
for bari, just the carnival of venice makes you imba. youre required to triple tongue. single tongue for carnival also can, it trains the speed of your tongueing. imagine tongueing staccatos on triplets at 180bpm. there's a bari solo in passion of christ that allows the bari to go up to high F#.
go youtube to check the pieces bah. i think all should have, especially for alto. the alto pieces are like damn common.
hahaha flutes&oboe blog is up. now all woodwinds have a blog! isnt that cool or what.
i got work later today zzz.
.Thursday, December 4, 2008 ' 1:27 PM Y
music is my life.
im bored and i've nothing better to do.
so im posting!
everyone's like jetting off to who-knows-where and i am too. going to SHANGHAI, which means im gonna miss like 2 sectionals? D: sectionals arent that bad actually, but combined is better! <-- combined ftw
(im actually supposed to be going to meet adelin now at the compass point)ANYWAYZZZ.
i heard this on the radio.
top 5 weird drinks from vending machines in japan :-
- unagi drink
- bust-boosting drink
- salad water drink [worms included]
- mother's milk drink!?
- ok like i forgot the last one.
japan is crazy.
like why would anyone wanna drink unagi. just eat it, dont drink it! unagi sushi in liquid form!!
*i just rmbered the last one!*
its COOLPISS. or coolpis. or whatever lah. it comes in kimchi flavour.
im bringing my own water if i ever go to japan.
oh yeah! last but not least,
let's practice hard for SYF '09 and skip class in january! although i dont practice what i preach, just do it anyway!